Friday, September 2, 2011

Wild Fibers Magazine

Exploring the animals, art and culture of natural fiber. Beautiful magazine tells stories about people all over the world who raise animals for fiber, from yaks, to cashmere goats, sheep and silkworms!

Conversations with the Goddess by Dorothy Atalla

"Never having heard of Petra, in Jordan, Dorothy (Chickee to her friends) went there on a whim.  While exploring Petra with her family in the 1970s, Chickee found herself profoundly affected by the ruins of the ancient city. She became fascinated with Petra’s ancient people. She wondered what their arts for living were like, as well as their traditions for death. At the time of her visit in Jordan her goals were modest.  One goal was to encourage her sons to perceive themselves as global citizens by way of their father’s Middle Eastern heritage. She also had always hoped to provide her sons with a well-rounded cultural and academic education. Seven years after her trip Chickee had her first encounter with a feminine Presence." 
You'll not be sorry if you read this book! Brings clarity and understanding to many long-held misunderstandings and misperceptions.

Works & Conversations

I highly recommend this magazine! It consists of well-written interviews with very interesting people. Some of the articles can be read online and the print magazine is now offered as a gift; in turn, the subscribers are invited to pay-forward a subscription to another reader. It is a bold experiment, and to this day, the magazine costs are covered entirely by unsolicited donations from grateful readers.
Their website is a project of CharityFocus, a fully volunteer-run effort that aims to empower gift-economy efforts. Carrying no advertising, making the entire texts of past interviews available on-line without charge, and running a monthly newsletter that reaches over 28 thousand readers, ours is a humble effort to "be the change we wish to see in the world."