Monday, June 29, 2009

3 websites to read often:

Top of my list is the CharityFocus blog by Nipun Mehta. Nipun and his family and friends started Karma Kitchen, a restaurant in Berkeley that is by donation or free or you can pay for the next person's meal.
started when couple of folks got together to sit in silence, on Wednesdays in the Silicon Valley. Today, it offers a weekly mailing of inspired readings to 59,468 people. Wednesdays are a grassroots expression of spirituality, service and gratitude. It's in their living room, proposes no particular following and attracts a unique combination of people every week. Our general format is an hour of silent meditation, followed by another hour of sharing thoughts, and then a vegetarian dinner in silence. It was started by Nipun, Guri, and Harshida ("CF mom") in late 1996. is a collection of in-depth interviews with artists from all walks of life. They also offer a monthly newsletter, Monthly Conversations, highlighting recent articles and a gift-economy print magazine. Another one of Nipun's projects!